Registration/ Enrollment

Brite New Mind is excited to have new children join our program. To ensure that the enrollment procedures occur smoothly & that a child is best prepared to join our program, certain guidelines should be followed. The section below provides an overview of placement and enrollment procedures (including required paperwork). Also discussed are Brite New Mind Daycare arrival procedures.

Placement: Children are enrolled on a first - come first serve basis, based on the number of slots open in the program. Inquires and referrals are accepted over the telephone and in person at the Brite New Mind #1 & #2 administrative office. To help plan for actual enrollment parents are provided with approximately two weeks notice when a space becomes available for their child. Placement opening will be held for no longer than three school days after notification of an opening occur. Once a child has received placement enrollment procedures begin. An initial registration form must be completed and registration is free. 

During registration process, families are asked to schedule a parent/ child interview. During this interview information is collected including family history, previous childcare, health & nutrition background, basic demographics, developmental overviews & emergency contact information. No child will be admitted to Brite New Mind #1 & #2 without the completed enrollment form on file with current information. Parents are required to keep Brite New Mind informed of any changes to the required information outlined above, particularly emergency contact individuals and phone numbers. 

Arrival Procedures (effective immediately) : Children are expected to arrive at the Brite New Mind Daycare Center by 9:30 a.m. each day, unless special arrangements have been discussed with the program manager in advance. Children are asked to arrive by a certain time so that Brite New Mind Daycare Center management can determine room-by-room basis staffing requirements and food amounts. If child is going to be late, parents must notify Brite New Mind Daycare no later than 8:30 a.m. that. given day. All children arriving after 9:30 a.m. will be charged  $10.00 (per child). This fee will be incurred even if the parent has called to inform the Brite New Mind Daycare Center that they are running late. Exceptions will be made for certain circumstances at the discretion of the Program Manager